Economic Empowerment

Community Involvement

Scholastic Achievement

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Entrepreneur Program Details


  • The Legacy Associates Foundation “Entrepreneurial and Business Skill Program” will provide a pre, mid and post assessment for the students involved in the program in order to measure scholastic aptitude and behavioral/psychological changes related to entrepreneurship.
  • The program will combine on-site management based management of the program with regular oversight and accountability from members of Legacy Associates Foundation.
  • The Legacy Associates Foundation “Entrepreneurial and Business Skill Program” is educationally aligned with the MEAP, Education YES! and “No Child Left Behind” national standards.
  • A system of accountability and continuous evaluation will support the program’s improvement. It will provide information on the progress and success in decision making for future program design and funding.
  • Policies and standards will be implemented to ensure continued improvement and success of future programs.
  • Use of volunteers: The program will appropriate individuals within Legacy Associates Foundation based on their skills and interests to reduce the program budget arid increase the staff to child ratio.